Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Swear, I'll Shut Up About This Soon...

...But this was too weird not to share. Last week I tore into Mike Leigh's Happy-Go-Lucky as it had made me so very very angry midway across the Atlantic, and after kicking it around a bit, I mentioned one of my favourite movies, Theodore Flicker's The President's Analyst, a demented and joyous satirical classic from the 60s. I had no idea at the time why I did that; the combination of movies just seemed to make sense somehow. Anyway, after mentioning it, I was gripped with the desire to get a copy, having found out during my trawl for images that it had been released on DVD a few years back. It's a barebones release, sadly, but it needed to be bought.

So tonight I went to HMV Oxford Circus on my way back from work, and thankfully they had a copy left. As I was leaving, I noticed the shop had been partially closed off. And which cinematic titan had caused this?

Yes! There he is, signing copies of Happy-Go-Lucky for his adoring fans! I obviously made that connection last week using some primitive and confusing form of precognition. It's not a very good picture, as I had a feeling I would be mobbed by those fans if they thought I was disrespecting him, so I was kind of rushed. Also, I got very self-conscious. This also explains why I didn't run past him clutching copies of Con-Air and X-Men 2: X-Men United, screaming, "Balls to your movie! This is art!" Plus, you know, rude.

I will say this, though. He looked miserable. Leigh fans, if you stumble across this, feel free to disabuse me of this notion.

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